Black-Flanked Rock Wallabies

Black-Flanked Rock Wallabies

Watch this video to see stunning views of the MacDonnell Ranges and learn about the unique rock wallabies that live among these big rocks.


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Biology, Geography, Physical Geography

Nat Geo WILD

The MacDonnell Ranges stand out like a beacon in Australia’s flat, arid landscape. The region’s s steep crevasses and lush waterways create a unique habitat for animals that call the “West Macs” home. Watch this video, from the Nat Geo WILD series “Destination Wild,” to meet one of these creatures: the black-flanked rock wallaby. Use the video and a map of the MacDonnell Ranges to answer questions in the Questions tab, and learn more about rock wallabies in our Fast Facts.

Fast Fact

Black-flanked rock wallabies have thick, textured skin on their hind feet. This helps them cling to steep rock surfaces.

Fast Fact

Black-flanked rock wallabies are herbivores. They feed mostly on grasses, fruits, and other vegetation.

Fast Fact

Black-flanked rock wallabies, sometimes called black-footed rock wallabies, are classified as “near-threatened” by the IUCN. They are not endangered.

Fast Fact

Wallabies live in groups called mobs. Mobs of black-flanked rock wallabies can range in size from 10 to 100 individuals.

Fast Fact

Rock wallabies can weigh up to 9 kilograms (20 pounds). Dingoes, foxes, and feral cats are predators of the black-flanked rock wallaby.

Fast Fact

There are 16 species of rock wallabies. All species are indigenous to Australia and Oceania.

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National Geographic Society
Jessica Shea, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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