Definitions in the Field: Trade

Definitions in the Field: Trade

Trade doesn't just apply to goods and services. Ideas, religion, and even cuisine can be traded—just ask Paul Salopek! Through Paul's travels around the world, he has discovered many different kinds of trade.


5 - 12


Anthropology, Sociology, Social Studies

Transcript (English)

- Trade. The buying and selling of goods and services. And trade is much more than services and goods.

- You can have trade in ideas. You can have trade in learning and knowledge. You can have trade in religions. You can have trade in cuisines. You can have trade in almost anything.

- Trade is what makes the world go round. Trading can be both fun and rewarding, and it also makes the world go round economically.

- We need trade.

Transcripción (Español)

- Comercio. La compra y venta de bienes y servicios. Y el comercio es mucho más que servicios y bienes.

- Puedes tener comercio de ideas. Puedes tener comercio de aprendizaje y conocimiento. Puedes tener comercio de religiones. Puedes tener comercio en la gastronomía. Puedes tener comercio en casi cualquier cosa. - El comercio es lo que hace girar al mundo. El comercio puede ser tanto divertido como gratificante, y también hace girar al mundo económicamente.

- Necesitamos el comercio.

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Web Producer
André Gabrielli, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

April 8, 2024

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