Explorer Profile: Martina Capriotti, Marine Biologist and Environmentalist
Explorer Profile: Martina Capriotti, Marine Biologist and Environmentalist
Martina Capriotti is a marine biologist and National Geographic Explorer studying the chemical impact of microplastic pollution on aquatic life. In 2018, she became one of three scientists worldwide to receive a National Geographic and Sky Ocean Rescue Scholarship for her innovative research on the Adriatic Sea.
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Biology, Ecology, Health, Conservation, Earth Science, Oceanography
Martina Capriotti
It was a scuba diving experience that attracted Martina Capriotti's interest in marine conservation. On this dive, she noticed a group of fish grazing next to discarded batteries and other trash.
Photograph courtesy of Martina Capriotti
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Last Updated
October 31, 2023
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