Explorers at Work: David Gruber

Explorers at Work: David Gruber

National Geographic Explorer David Gruber is a deep sea marine biologist who spends his evenings scouring the ocean floor. It is here in the pitch black waves that he discovered that hundreds of coral, fish, and turtles communicate through fluorescence. His mission is to better understand what these dazzling displays mean.


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Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Earth Science, Oceanography

Transcript (English)

- [David] I guess I learned early that scuba diving at night was just phenomenal. The ocean just transforms into this whole other universe, this hidden universe of fluorescence. There's so many species to be discovered. There's so many facets of life that we have yet to even learn about. It is my hope that by documenting different life forms and then sharing that with people, they'll wanna protect it more.

I'm David Gruber. I'm a deep sea marine biologist and an Explorer with National Geographic.

Transcripción (Español)

- [David] Supongo que aprendí temprano que bucear de noche era simplemente fenomenal. El océano se transforma en este otro universo,. Es un universo oculto de fluorescencia. Hay tantas especies por descubrir. Hay tantas facetas de la vida de las que aún tenemos que aprender. Mi esperanza es que al documentar diferentes formas de vida y luego compartir eso con las personas, querrán protegerlo más.

Soy David Gruber. Soy biólogo marino de aguas profundas y Explorador de National Geographic.

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Web Producer
André Gabrielli, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

May 8, 2024

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