Explorers at Work: Jahawi Bertolli

Explorers at Work: Jahawi Bertolli

Jahawi Bertolli is a filmmaker, music producer, and National Geographic Explorer who was born and raised in Kenya. Traveling up and down the coastline of his beloved country, Jahawi tells the story of Kenyan fishermen and the marine ecosystems they depend on. His passion for the ocean has also led to the East African Ocean Explorers Club, which inspires young people to champion marine conservation.


5 - 12


Conservation, Earth Science, Oceanography

Transcript (English)

- [Jahawi] I am incredibly lucky to have spent so much time on the Kenyan Coast growing up. If the tide was high, I'd be snorkeling, and it's the place that I love the most. As I grew up, I started to notice changes. It seemed like there was less and less. This is what led me to become an underwater filmmaker. We ended up creating a film about the changes in the ocean, told through the eyes of Swahili fishermen, with the hope of joining the community together to make a new marine protected area, so we can safeguard our marine ecosystem.

My name is Jahawi Bertolli, and I'm an underwater filmmaker and photographer.

Transcripción (Español)

- [Jahawi] Soy increíblemente afortunado por haber pasado tanto tiempo en la costa de Kenia cuando era niño. Si la marea estaba alta, buceaba usando esnórquel, y es el lugar que más amo. A medida que crecía, empecé a notar cambios. Parecía que cada vez había menos y menos. Eso es lo que me llevó a ser un cineasta submarino. Terminamos creando una película sobre los cambios en el océano, contada a través de los ojos de los pescadores suajilis, con la esperanza de unir a la comunidad para crear una nueva área marina protegida, y poder salvaguardar nuestro ecosistema marino.

Mi nombre es Jahawi Bertolli, y soy cineasta y fotógrafo submarino.

Media Credits

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Web Producer
André Gabrielli, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

September 20, 2024

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