Explorers at Work: Oliver Nsengimana

Explorers at Work: Oliver Nsengimana

Olivier Nsengimana, Rwandan veterinarian and National Geographic Explorer, is implementing a unique project to save his country’s endangered cranes, the gray crowned crane. His vision is grand and hopeful - to bring back a sense of ownership and pride for wild animals in our communities. To inspire everyone, especially children, to take action to protect our animals and the habitat they rely on to survive and to create a society where animals and people thrive together.


5 - 12+



Transcript (English)

- [Olivier] When I see cranes flying, I remember those times when I was young. At dusk, we would see cranes, and those images really stayed in my head. So when I became a vet, I realized those species were declining. It's something that we really wouldn't want to lose. I work to make sure they're there for generations and generations. Conservation, it's not easy. We really need to innovate and just show that it's possible, and we are not going to give up. My name is Olivier Nsengimana, and I'm a veterinarian and a conservationist.

Transcripción (Español)

- [Olivier] Cuando veo grullas volando, recuerdo los tiempos cuando era joven. Al anochecer, veíamos grullas y esas imágenes quedaron en mi mente. Así que cuando me volví veterinario, me di cuenta de que esas especies estaban disminuyendo. Es algo que realmente no queremos perder. Trabajo para asegurarme de que estén ahí por generaciones y generaciones. La conservación, no es fácil. Realmente necesitamos innovar y solo demostrar que es posible, y no vamos a rendirnos. Mi nombre es Olivier Nsengimana, y soy un veterinario y conservacionista.

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Web Producer
Clint Parks
Last Updated

May 29, 2024

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