Conserving Fresh Water

Conserving Fresh Water

Check out these ideas for how your students can learn more about fresh water and how to conserve this precious resource.


3 - 12


Earth Science

Picture of Okavango Wilderness Project team member fishing in Cuito River, 2016
Photograph by James Kydd

While the Earth is two-thirds water, less than three percent of that is fresh water. To further complicate the issue only a fraction of that water is available to be used to drink, for agriculture, power generation, manufacturing, or sanitation. Between this limited supply, a growing global population, and an increase in pollution assess to fresh water will be a defining issue for future generations.

Use these ideas for activities and projects in your classroom to teach your students about fresh water and its conservation.

A photograph of hands being washed with soap under a stream of water.
Calculate Daily Water Use at School

Use this online tool to help start a school-wide campaign encouraging everyone to use less water. Get the word out with persuasive writing via posters or skits. Challenge your fellow students to a video public service announcement (PSA) contest. With drought conditions affecting many states, helping to save water in your community will be a step in the right direction.

Picture of a water drop on a leaf.
Test Water

Test the water and soil in and around your home.

Picture of leaves in a river.
Water Clean-Up

With an adult, clean up a stream, river, or other body of water in your community.

Picture of a shower.
Conserve Water

Research ways to save water, such as watering the lawn early in the morning or late in the day, using drip irrigation, and using a bucket instead of a hose to wash the car.

Picture of a faucet.
Fix Leaky Faucets

Watch for drips in any faucets in your home. Ask an adult to fix them.

Picture of water running out of a faucet.
Research Your Local Water Supply

How do the people who live upstream behave? Are they aware of those downstream, or do they contaminate the water? Do you do things that might pollute water for others? What are some steps your family could take to minimize its impact on air and water quality?

idea image
World Monitoring Day

Celebrate World Water Monitoring Day. Use a test kit to sample local bodies of water for water quality data and share the results with other communities around the world.

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Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

July 29, 2024

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