Mar 10, 1922 CE: Gandhi Arrested for Sedition

Mar 10, 1922 CE: Gandhi Arrested for Sedition

On March 10, 1922, Mohandas K. Gandhi was arrested on charges of sedition by British officials in Bombay (now Mumbai), India.


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Social Studies, Civics, World History

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On March 10, 1922, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was arrested on charges of sedition by British officials in Bombay (now Mumbai), India. He was sentenced to six years in prison for his involvement in protesting the British colonial government in India. Gandhi, nicknamed “Mahatma,” meaning “great soul,” served two years before being released for medical reasons (he had appendicitis).

Gandhi continued to promote nonviolent resistance in the struggle to free India from British rule. Finally, after 200 years of being the “Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire, India gained its independence in 1947. A little more than a year later, Gandhi was assassinated.

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National Geographic Society
Mary Crooks, National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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