Feb 16, 1845 CE: Happy Birthday, George Kennan

Feb 16, 1845 CE: Happy Birthday, George Kennan

On February 16, 1845, explorer, journalist and National Geographic Society founder George Kennan was born in Norwalk, Ohio.


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Anthropology, Arts and Music, Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography

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On February 16, 1845, George Kennan was born in Norwalk, Ohio. George grew up to be a world traveler who wrote about his adventures in magazines and newspapers. George was an expert on the country of Russia. He wrote about different people who lived in different parts of the country. He wrote about how Arctic people adapted to the freezing cold, how herders who lived on the steppe took care of their sheep and wove beautiful carpets, and how mountain-dwellers established trade routes. George also wrote about his travels to Japan, China, and even the Caribbean. In 1888, he helped to found the National Geographic Society, so even more readers would understand the world and its people.

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National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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