Apr 3, 1934 CE: Happy Birthday, Jane Goodall

Apr 3, 1934 CE: Happy Birthday, Jane Goodall

On April 3, 1934, legendary primatologist Jane Goodall was born in London, England.


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On April 3, 1934, Jane Goodall was born in London, England. Jane’s love of animals would take her all the way to Tanzania, where she studied chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park. Jane’s work with the Gombe chimps changed the way we think about animal behavior forever. One of Jane’s most amazing discoveries was made while observing a chimp named David Greybeard. Jane documented David and other chimps sticking thin branches into holes in termite mounds. Termites are a favorite food of chimpanzees. When the chimps removed the branch, dozens of juicy termites were clinging to it—ready to be licked off like a lollipop! Jane’s observations proved that chimpanzees made and used tools. Before Jane documented the Gombe chimps’ behavior, tool use was considered a human-only activity.

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National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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