


Land Management Declined as Native Americans were Displaced

Land Management Declined as Native Americans were Displaced

The arrival of European settlers to North America reduced Native American access to land and disrupted their land management practices. Acknowledging the wisdom of traditional land management techniques can diminish the threat of wildfires and contribute to better stewardship of the land.


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Conservation, Social Studies, U.S. History

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Before the arrival of European settlers, Native American tribes had lived in North America for more than 20,000 years. During that time, the Indigenous communities developed ways of using land that were generally more environmentally sustainable than European colonists. If an area were full of wild animals, or game, they would hunt in that area for some time. When the supply of game decreased, they would move on and allow the animal population to rebound. If an area had fertile soil, they would clear the land and cultivate it for crops. After the soil was depleted, they would let the land lie fallow and allow wild plants to grow back. Over time, those methods changed North American ecosystems to suit the needs of the Native Americans who inhabited them, respectively.

As a result of these practices, Native American tribes developed cultures that viewed land as shared property for a community's use. Although properties could have well-defined boundaries, land was not meant to be accumulated or transferred from one person to another. These views of property clashed with the concept of private property held by the European settlers who began to arrive in North America in the 1600s. For these settlers, land was an asset owned by individuals and was a source of wealth and prestige. Landowners developed their property—by establishing farms, in most cases—in order to generate income from the land. Soon after the settlers' arrival, their demand for land was too great, and the Native Americans began to push back.

As a result, conflicts over land defined European-Native American relations for much of the next three centuries as settlers claimed more and more territory. These clashes started in the 1600s as a series of wars on the East Coast between colonists and Native American tribes. After the American Revolution in the late 1700s, the United States steadily expanded westward.

During the 1800s, settlers displaced Native American tribes all the way to the Pacific Ocean. During this time, the United States adopted the Indian Appropriations Act, which relocated Native Americans to newly established reservations. The stated purpose of this system was to give Native Americans land over which they could exert sovereignty and practice their own cultures.

Unfortunately, the reservations were mostly unsuitable to the needs of the tribes. The reservation lands tended to have infertile soil and were lacking in adequate water or other resources. With limited access to quality farmland and game, Native Americans were unable to practice their traditional farming or hunting lifestyle. These factors had a devastating impact, resulting in significant poverty on the reservations and a loss of Native cultures.

When Native Americans were removed from the tribal lands they inhabited, their land management methods were disregarded. As a result, the environment has suffered.

Indigenous communities across North America have used burning to manage land. Some of these tribes include the Karuk and Yurok in the northwestern part of the U.S. state of California; the Apache, Navajo, and Jemez in the U.S. Southwest; and the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe in the U.S. state of Minnesota. This is not an exhaustive list, but it provides an indication of the pervasiveness of the practice among Indigenous North American tribes.

Burning was among the most important of their land management tools. Slash-and-burn techniques were used to clear underbrush, encourage the growth of new grass, recycle nutrients in the ecosystem, control animal species, and reduce the danger of larger fires. The regular use of fire altered the natural development of landscapes, hindering the development of forested ecosystems dominated by large trees. Instead, the burnt land, with its fertile ash, was used for the cultivation of crops. Over time, the repeated use of burning caused permanent changes in the ecosystem to favor plants that tolerated fire, changes that were useful for humans.

As these beneficial burning techniques fell into disuse, European practices of preserving forests and suppressing fires became common. But North American ecosystems were reliant on regular burning to perpetuate their natural cycles. With intentional burning no longer in use and natural fires suppressed, highly flammable underbrush accumulated, which led to larger and more frequent wildfires.

Given the high costs of battling wildfires, governments are trying to learn from traditional Native American land management techniques and adopting those methods for fire prevention. Many U.S. states, including Oregon and California, are using controlled burns to clear out underbrush and dead trees. Like Native Americans, they are performing these exercises in the late fall and early winter when the ground is damp and cold to prevent the fires' spread. Despite these steps, wildfires continue to be a major problem in California and other states. Today, billions of dollars are spent every year fighting wildfires and paying for the property damage they cause. It may take time for the ancient Native American land management techniques to significantly reduce the incidence of major fires.

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Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Production Managers
Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society
Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society
Program Specialists
Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Margot Willis, National Geographic Society
Clint Parks
Roza Kavak
Last Updated

October 25, 2023

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