Language Diversity Index

Language Diversity Index

Use MapMaker Interactive to explore linguistic diversity across the globe today.


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Anthropology, Geography, Human Geography

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According to, there are nearly 7,000 languages spoken across the world today. Only a fraction of these languages (359) are truly global, spoken by millions of people. These include Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, and Hindi. The remaining 6,550 languages have a much more limited scope, and many are in danger of being lost entirely. To put the dichotomy in perspective, 94 percent of the world's population speaks 6 percent of its languages, while six percent of the world's population speaks 94 percent of its languages.

The Linguistic Diversity Index measures the diversity of languages spoken in a country. The scale ranges from 0 to 1. An index of 0 represents no linguistic diversity, meaning that everyone speaks the same language. An index of 1 represents total diversity, meaning that no two people speak the same language. No country has an index value of exactly 0 or 1.

The Linguistic Diversity Index can provide insight into the multicultural nature of countries. Some have high linguistic diversity because of their geographic position along trade routes. This is seen in the relatively high linguistic diversity in Kazakhstan, which was part of the Silk Road. Other countries have high linguistic diversity due to the presence of multiple, distinct ethnic groups, as seen in Bolivia, India, and Chad. Nations with low levels of linguistic diversity, such as Japan and Norway, are often culturally homogeneous.

The data source for this map is, where the online version of the 16th edition of Ethnologue: Languages of the World is found.

Fast Fact

Endangered Languages

Many languages are considered "endangered," which means they could vanish from use. Ethnologue identifies 473 languages as nearly extinct, with just a few living speakers. The region with the most endangered languages is the Americas, and it may be surprising to learn that the majority of these are in the United States. The languages of many American Indian tribes are vanishing as ethnic populations are blending into mainstream society and speaking English, while native speakers grow older and die.

Fast Fact

Indo-European Languages

Languages from the Indo-European family such as English, Spanish, and Portuguese were spread around the globe during the age of colonialism, when many countries in Europe established colonies in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific islands.

Fast Fact

Linguistic Homogeneity

Although the map specifies that no country has an index value of 0, meaning that everyone there speaks the same language, there are some places, such as the Falkland Islands, that come close. Nearly everyone in the Falklands speaks English, the language of the British settlers who arrived in the early 1800s. Vatican City is another linguistically homogenous place. This walled portion of Rome is the seat of Catholicism and ruled by the Pope. Nearly everyone in Vatican City speaks Italian.

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Rhonda Lucas Donald
Sean P. O'Connor, BioBlitz Education Consultant
Ryan Schleeter
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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