Aug 22, 564 CE: Loch Ness Monster Sighted

Aug 22, 564 CE: Loch Ness Monster Sighted

On August 22, 564, the first sighting of the cryptid that would become known as the Loch Ness Monster was reported by St. Columba.


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Oceanography, Biology, World History

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On August 22, 564, some historians say Columba, a Christian leader, reported seeing the animal that would become known as the Loch Ness Monster in Loch Ness, Scotland. Columba was an Irish priest (later a saint) who was visiting Scotland, and reportedly compelled the monster to not attack one of Columba’s followers. The Loch Ness Monster is probably the most famous target of cryptozoology, the study of animals whose existence has not been proven.

Cryptozoology is not a science. Cryptozoologists search for mythical creatures called cryptids. Thousands of cultures all over the world report cryptids. Besides the Loch Ness Monster, other lake cryptids include Champ (in Lake Champlain, United States, and Canada); Issi (in Lake Ikeda, Japan); and the Lagarfljot Worm (in Lagarfljot Lake, Iceland). Other cryptids include chupacabras, blood-sucking creatures said to threaten livestock throughout Latin America; bunyips, which supposedly lurk in Australia’s swamps; dingoneks, “jungle walruses” said to be found in lakes and rivers in Central Africa; and, of course, Bigfoot, who supposedly stalks old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest.

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National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Last Updated

April 22, 2024

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