MapMaker: Pristine Seas

MapMaker: Pristine Seas

National Geographic’s Pristine Seas initiative explores some of the ocean’s wildest places and works with partners to inspire the creation of marine reserves.


5 - 12+


Biology, Ecology, Conservation, Earth Science, Oceanography, Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Physical Geography

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Summary: This map shows the locations of National Geographic’s Pristine Seas’ expeditions as well as parts of the ocean that have been designated as Marine Protected Areas. The map also shows conservation priority levels; the greener the area, the more important it is for conservation based on Pristine Seas research.

Location: Worldwide

National Geographic Explorer:
Enric Sala, Marine Ecologist

Explorer’s Goals: National Geographic Explorer in Residence Enric Sala launched the Pristine Seas initiative in 2008 to catalyze the protection of the ocean’s last wild places. In the years since, the project has carried out 45 scientific expeditions to research and explore the ocean, contributing to the creation of 28 marine reserves that collectively protect more than 6.6 million square kilometers of ocean.

Data Collected: Pristine Seas expedition team members have published scientific research results in a wide range of reports and peer reviewed scientific journals, whether examining the effects of water temperatures on the richness of species and reefs, assessing the effects of fishing gear on abundance of fish, surveying algae, corals, and fish in remote areas of the ocean, or communicating other findings. Sharing this information is helping to inform governments and communities, raise awareness of the ocean’s problems, and make the case for the creation of marine reserves.

Questions: Open the interactive version of the map in MapMaker and challenge yourself: Use the search tool to find Ascension Island. Then, use the scale at the bottom of MapMaker to calculate an estimated area for the Marine Protected Area. The actual area of Ascension’s MPA is about 440,000 square kilometers (169,885 square miles). Does that sound like a lot or a little?

Now explore the Great Barrier Reef. What is its conservation priority level?

Based on this map, where do you think Pristine Seas should go next and why?

Media Credits

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Dan Byerly, National Geographic Society
Kate Gallery, National Geographic Society
Erica Goldfinger, National Geographic Society
Partner Organization
Last Updated

October 8, 2024

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