Feb 29, 2008 CE: Rare Disease Day

Feb 29, 2008 CE: Rare Disease Day

On February 29, 2008, nations in Europe brought attention to little-known medical conditions by instituting Rare Disease Day.


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On February 29, 2008, nations in Europe brought attention to little-known medical conditions by instituting Rare Disease Day. More than 80 countries and a dozen international organizations now recognize Rare Disease Day, which is honored on February 28 in non-leap years. A rare disease is classified differently in different parts of the world. In the United States, a disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than 200,000 people. In Europe, a disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than 1 in 2,000 people. Most rare diseases are genetic, including cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, and Huntington's disease. Rare Disease Day aims to bring attention to these diseases, and increase the funding available. Funding may include expanding access to medicine, medical equipment and care, and physical therapy. Funding may also allow researchers to study the genetic or environmental origins of rare diseases to help develop therapies or vaccines.

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National Geographic Society
National Geographic Society
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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