Schoolyard Garden Guides

Schoolyard Garden Guides

Guides and examples to help start your own school garden.




Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, Experiential Learning, Geography

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Content Created by
Center for Ecoliteracy

Created and made available by the Center for Ecoliteracy, look through the two guides above for inspiration and guidance on how to start your own schoolyard garden, and how to use it.

"Creating Gardens of Goodness" is a how-to guide for five types of children's gardens, while "Creating School Gardens Guide" is a more comprehensive guide for creating school gardens as outdoor classrooms.

"Green Scene" is an example of how these types of learning environments can be successful and meaningful experiences.

The Center for Ecoliteracy is a recognized leader in developing resources to advance ecological literacy in K–12 schools. Founded in 1995, the Center creates and publishes books and guides, facilitates professional development and conferences, and provides strategic consulting to schools and businesses.

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Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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