

Looking for different ways to teach your students about the seasons? Get inspired by these teaching ideas.


K, 1 - 12+


Earth Science

Illustration: Complex reasons for the seasons.
Illustration by Mary Crooks

Get ideas for ways to celebrate the seasons around the world.

Picture of bright yellow leaves.
Monitor Trees

Record the dates that leaves fall from trees in the autumn. In the springtime, watch the trees and record the date that buds first appear. How many months of the year are there leaves on the trees?

Picture of leaves in a puddle.
Track Rainfall

Keep track of how much rainfall your area gets each month. How does your data compare with the monthly averages for your area?

Picture of a plant.
Adopt a Plant

Choose a plant to observe throughout the growing season. Measure its growth each week, starting when sprouts first appear out of the ground. Record the appearance of buds, flowers, and other growth.

Picture of palm trees in the wind.
Follow a Tropical Storm's Path

Plot the path of a tropical storm or hurricane on a map. Record data about the storm, and make predictions about whether a storm will become a hurricane. Confirm or revise your predictions as you get new data.

Picture of blackberries and strawberries.
Plan a Seasonal Celebration

Invite your family and/or neighbors. Prepare local foods particular to that season, such as strawberries in late spring or sweet corn in summer. Display flowers that are in bloom or trees that have leafed out and make identification tags for them that include both the name of the plant and the season.

Picture of fall foliage.
Draw the Seasons

Over the course of the upcoming year, draw a picture of a place in your yard or near your home at 6 p.m. on the autumnal equinox (September), the winter solstice (December), the vernal equinox (March), and the summer solstice (June). Include in your drawing as many natural things as you can, such as flowers, insects, and birds. Also include what they are doing, as well as things you see people doing, such as gardening, walking, or playing games. When you have drawn all four days, share the pictures with your family and talk about similarities and differences, depending on the season.

Picture of a Neolithic stone circle.
Learn About Seasonal Celebrations

Find photos of seasonal celebrations around the globe. For example, you can search for photos of summer and winter solstice celebrations or celebrations associated with the equinoxes. Share with your family and friends what you find out about the celebrations, where they take place, and how they express the unique characteristics of that particular season.

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The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.

Christina Riska Simmons
Jessica Shea, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Photo Researcher
Emily Connor
Last Updated

July 16, 2024

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