Siberian Tigers

Siberian Tigers

Join Wild Chronicles on an expedition to Russia, where researchers have the rare opportunity to study Siberian tigers up close at a wildlife sanctuary.


3 - 12+


Biology, Geography, Ecology, Conservation

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5RW tigers

The Siberian tiger is the world's largest cat. But with only 400 left in the wild, this rare giant is in danger of extinction due to poaching and habitat loss. Join Wild Chronicles on an expedition to Russia, where researchers have the rare opportunity to study this elusive species up close at a wildlife sanctuary. Hopefully their work will help protect these mighty giants.

Fast Fact

  • No two Siberian tigers have exactly the same stripes on their coats.

Fast Fact

  • A Siberian tiger's diet consists of prey like elk and wild boar. The Siberian tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds in one day.

Fast Fact

  • Siberian tiger cubs cannot hunt until they are about 18 months old, and cubs stay with their mothers for two to three years.

Fast Fact

  • During the winter, the high temperature in Siberia can reach -12 degrees Celsius (10 degrees Fahrenheit) and the low temperature can reach -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit).
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Chris Celauro
Alison Michel
Last Updated

October 19, 2023

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