


The Prophet's Mosque

The Prophet's Mosque

Thousands of pilgrims break the Ramadan fast at sunset at a mosque that is the second holiest site in Islam. Paul Salopek shares in the meal.


5 - 12


Anthropology, Geography, Storytelling, Social Studies, English Language Arts

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Selected text level

In celebration of the ten-year anniversary of Paul Salopek's first steps on his Out of Eden Walk journey, this dispatch is now available for educational use in fifth- and eighth-grade reading levels. The original text is available as the default reading level, as well as on the Out of Eden Walk website.

By Paul Salopek


It was during Ramadan, in the month of fasting. Ramadan is the cleansing month. It is the holiest month of the Muslim lunar calendar. It was at Medina, which is just outside Al-Masjid al-Nabawī, the mosque of the Prophet Mohammed, the second holiest site in Islam after Mecca. Sixty thousand people were gathered at dusk to break the day’s fast together. There was a certain vibration of light in the air. A pale, tender, yellow sky at sunset. Across from me sat a big man from Afghanistan, a red-haired Nuristani. There were people from all over the world. We were hungry, quietly absorbed in our inner thoughts, waiting. I am not Muslim. But I had been fasting all month as well, out of respect. I wanted to know. The Nuristani passed me his orange. I passed him mine. We did this several times, laughing. And then we ate in silence.

View the original dispatch to see video of a crowd breaking the Ramadan fast in Medina.

Media Credits

The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.

Oliver Payne
Text Levels
Web Producer
Bayan Atari, National Geographic Society
Instructional Designer
Dan Byerly, National Geographic Society
With help froms
Claudia Hernandez-Halper
Kate Gallery, National Geographic Society
Clint Parks
Last Updated

April 23, 2024

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