

Get ideas for opportunities to donate your time to worthy causes.


K, 1 - 12+


Experiential Learning

Photo: Two people play a game while others watch.
Photograph courtesy Kathleen Schwille

Get ideas for opportunities to volunteer in your community. Little actions can have big impacts on your state, country, or even the world!

Picture of passports.
Take a Vacation

Love to travel? Like volunteering? Why not do both? You could help take care of orphaned lions at a wildlife refuge or help archeologists excavate tools. Check out this list of suggestions from National Geographic Traveler to get you started on your plans.

Photo of people picking up trash.
Earth Day Celebration

Host an Earth Day celebration on your block. Organize a block party and share your concerns about the local environment with your neighbors. After the party, organize a group to go out and pick up trash, work on a neighbor's garden, or help maintain a local greenway.

Picture of birds with trash cans.
Help Clean Up Beaches and Waterways

Volunteer with the International Coastal Cleanup.

Photo: Trash littering a harbor
Help Clean Up Public Lands

Start a tradition to volunteer to clean up public land once a month. Begin on a National Public Lands Day.

Photo of water bottles as pollution.
Pledge to Recycle

Have students sign a pledge to recycle and reduce waste together as a class. Encourage other classes to do the same and raise awareness of recycling in your school.

Photo: Boy jumps rope at a playground.
Improve Your Neighborhood

Make your neighborhood a better place. Volunteer to do things like pick up trash or repair playground equipment.

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Organize a Service Project

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) supplies several do-it-yourself toolkits to turn community service initiatives into community projects. Come up with a service idea with your class. Then turn it into your own community service project.

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Stop Cigarette Litter

Did you know that 32% of litter at storm drains is tobacco products? Learn more about the harmful impacts of cigarette litter and have your class take action to help stop it. You can start a Cigarette Litter Prevention Program in your own community to decrease the environmental and economic impacts of cigarette litter.

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Hold a Yard Sale

Put together a yard sale for your classroom, school, or community. Encourage students to bring in things they no longer need and swap with each other. Or get parents involved and make it school-wide.

Media Credits

The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited.

Christina Riska Simmons
Jessica Shea, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society
Photo Researcher
Emily Connor
Last Updated

April 29, 2024

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