Explore and Experiment
Explore and Experiment
Inspired by National Geographic Explorer Anand Varma, this learning package provides a deeper focus on Exploring and Experimenting from the Wonder Learning Strategies to cultivate wonder in the learning space. Educators examine how creating space for wonder includes a physical space with resources that allow experimentation, play, and tinkering. More importantly, it also includes the conditions that allow learners to wonder. It is these conditions that help to develop the attitudes, skills, and knowledge that make up the Explorer Mindset Learning Framework that sustain a sense of wonder in the work that Explorers do. How do you create conditions for your learners to explore and experiment around what they wonder about?
4 - 12+
Biology, Storytelling, Photography
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Explore and Experiment: Engage and Explore
A true sense of wonder drives National Geographic Explorers as they ask questions and seek answers about the world they live in. Curiosity may prompt initial questions, it often disappears when answers are found. Wonder does not. Watch the video Explore and Experiment to learn how Anand Varma and his team create the conditions to explore and experiment creating the intellectual space to allow a generation of new wonders based on what they are learning.
Explore and Experiment: Learn by Doing
How do you create conditions for your learners to explore and experiment and encourage wonder? Learn the process that supports exploration, theory building, hypothesis testing, and reflection.
Explore and Experiment: Reflect and Apply
True wonder leads to more wondering. Find ways to spark learners’ sense of wonder that will inspire them to engage in scientific practices to pursue answers. Use a self-assessment check to reflect on what you are already doing supporting your learners around exploring and experimenting and identify an area you want to improve.
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Last Updated
April 9, 2024
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