MapMaker: Black Bears Around Lake Tahoe

MapMaker: Black Bears Around Lake Tahoe

National Geographic Explorer Rae Wynn-Grant collects data to learn where black bears might come into conflict with people.


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Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Human Geography, Physical Geography, Geography, Conservation


Black Bears Around Lake Tahoe

To study black bears safely, National Geographic Explorer Rae Wynn-Grant uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to collect evidence of bears in an area (scratches on trees, scats, or footprints) and radio collars to understand where bears travel.

National Geographic Society / Esri
To study black bears safely, National Geographic Explorer Rae Wynn-Grant uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to collect evidence of bears in an area (scratches on trees, scats, or footprints) and radio collars to understand where bears travel.

Summary: National Geographic Explorer Rae Wynn-Grant would use a map such as this one to look at where black bears might come into conflict with people. The land cover dataset shows land use globally and the bear location layer is like one Dr. Wynn-Grant would have collected during her work in the area around Lake Tahoe.

Location: Lake Tahoe, California & Nevada, Western United States

National Geographic Explorer: Rae Wynn-Grant, Large Carnivore Ecologist

Explorer’s Goals: Where are bears and humans overlapping? By mapping these specific places, Dr. Wynn-Grant brings information back to communities living with bears so they can make informed decisions to protect bears and people living near bear habitat.

Data Collected: To study black bears safely, Dr. Wynn-Grant uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to collect evidence of bears in an area (scratches on trees, scats, or footprints) and radio collars to understand where bears travel. Then she loads the data into a geographic information system (GIS), such as ArcGIS, to examine and analyze the data. To protect the bears from people, Dr. Wynn-Grant provided fictional data for this map. The bear locations on this map are similar to the data she collected, but the map does not show exactly where she observed evidence of bears.


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Dan Byerly, National Geographic Society
Kate Gallery, National Geographic Society
Erica Goldfinger, National Geographic Society
Partner Organization
Last Updated

April 16, 2024

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